Would you like to sell something or share your organization’s knowledge during Mesquite Weekend? You’ve come to the right place.
Vendors and exhibitionists are invited to attend SUNDAY, March 30th (outdoors at Veteran’s Park) during Mesquite Weekend. Spaces are $20 for ONE day and will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Secure your space as soon as possible to get your choice.
Mesquite Weekend has been posted on the Arizona state tourism board’s website and has been submitted to AAA’s Via Magazine. Please use #MesquiteWeekend2025 so customers know that you’ll be at the event.
What you get if you choose to vend at Mesquite Weekend:
- A physical space to sell your products and/or inform your audience.
- A listing on the Mesquite Weekend website, with a hyperlink, that will be up for a year.
- Social media posts promoting your business before, during, and after the event.
That’s a lot of value for $20! Request an invoice at Vendors@GVMesquiteWeekend.com now.

Anything sold at Mesquite Weekend events needs to keep in the spirit of the theme. Items surrounding themes of permaculture, homesteading, gardening, beekeeping, natural living, and the like are welcome. Please send an email to Vendors@GVMesquiteWeekend.com with your name, phone number, business name, what you’d like to sell, and website and/social media handles to request an invoice.
If you have any questions, please contact Vendors@GVMesquiteWeekend.com.
Would your organization like to talk with participants and give out literature during Mesquite Weekend? Anything sold at Mesquite Weekend events needs to keep in the spirit of the theme. Items surrounding themes of permaculture, homesteading, gardening, beekeeping, natural living, and the like are welcome. Please send an email to Vendors@GVMesquiteWeekend.com with your name, phone number, business name, what you’d like to sell, and website and/social media handles to request an invoice.
If you have any questions, please contact Vendors@GVMesquiteWeekend.com.